Physical Education classes in the secondary cycle
From S1 to S7, physical education classes take place in the school's sports hall but also outside on the football fied or the athletics track. Valuables should be stored in a locker.
From September to the end of June, in spite of the seasons, students follow a sports programme based on the European Schools' curriculum which the sports teachers are required to follow. The programme includes indoor sports such as basketball, volleyball, badminton and gymnastics as well as outdoor activities such as football, hockey, rugby and athletics.
Pupils should wear appropriate clothing for indoor and outdoor activities (see school rules on sports equipment*).
* Secondary School Regulations
Compulsory physical education equipment : T-shirt with EEB2 logo, shorts or dark sports trousers, clearly marked with owners’ name. Propersports shoes for outside (clean for inside). Canvasshoes or “All-stars” are not allowed. For outside lessons, a sweatshirt and/or a windbreaker are recommended. All pupils must change completely (especially socks) for their sports lesson. Long hair must be tied up.
Information regarding the evaluations can be found in the Exams & Test section.