Work experience

S5 pupils have the opportunity to complete a Work Experience Program in a company during the last two weeks of the school year, after the exams, or during the school holidays. 

S6 and S7 pupils may do the same during the school holidays. However, S7 pupils may not participate in a work experience program AFTER they passed their Baccalaureate: they would not be considered as pupils from our school and would not be covered by the school insurance during their work experience. 

The duration of the work experience program may be one or two weeks

The Work Experience Project’s main objective is to give pupils an experience in a professional environment. They will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge as well as their personal and social skills. It doesn’t aim to prepare pupils for a specific career, even though it may of course provide interesting insights for their future orientation.  

Pupils may not receive any remuneration for their work experience, as it is part of their school program. School insurance covers pupils in business and workplaces provided that the Work Experience Agreement was approved by signature by the school's management. A specific insurance form will be introduced by the school.

Pupils need to find a company for their work experience themselves, with the support of their section’s orientation coordinator, who can answer their questions related to the project.  

During their week(s) in the company, pupils work and observe the business’s structure as well as the working conditions of the different categories of workers. They will turn their observations into a report, which will be part of the evaluation of their work experience. 
For pupils to receive the Work Experience Certificate awarded by the school, they must hand in the following documents to the Work Experience Coordintaor (Mrs Houbrechts):
  • The Work experience report (at least one typed page)
  • The Assessment grid (available hereunder) filled in by the company

What are the steps for participating in a work experience program ?  

December to June
  • Look for a company or an individual who is willing to take you in for the work experience. 
  • Download the Work Experience Agreement from the school's website (see link hereunder). It needs to be filled in and signed by the pupil (as well as a parent for underage pupils) and by the representative of the company. 
  • Hand in four copies of the completed Work Experience Agreement forms to the Work Experience Coordinator (Mrs Houbrechts) BEFORE starting your work experience so that your participation is validated.

Before 15 June
  • Deadline for handing in all work experience contracts (4 copies)
  • After receiving the signed agreements, the career counselor will give you the company assessment grid to be filled in by the company.

Before 30 September

Hand in to the Work Experience Coordinator:
  • The Assessment grid filled in by the company
  • The Work experience report (at least one typed page)
  • We would like to remind you that the work experience certificate will not be awarded without these documents !
November (date to be determined)
  • Ceremony and Certificates
For all questions related to the work experience, please contact Mrs Houbrechts: